How Do I Join The Green S.T.E.M. Club?

STEM Club is an after school science/math enrichment opportunity sponsored by Mrs. Owen and Mrs. Bennett for second through fifth grade students.

  • Students in second and third grade are invited to STEM based on their beginning of the year math assessment data, as well as teacher recommendation.

  • Students in fourth and fifth grade are invited to STEM based on their FSA scores in math from the previous year.

Behavior is factored into all applications. Students may not have received an N on their report cards from the previous years, and have not received a referral for the previous or current year.

We meet the second and fourth Tuesday of each month.
See you there!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mrs.Owen this is zaehon your best student in third grade I just wanted to say hey and tell Ms.Francios I said hey
